About Us
Water Polo, Uji Polo, كرة الماء, Водна топка, 水球, Vaterpolo, Vodní pólo, Vand Polo, Waterpolo, Veepall, Water Polo, Vesipallo, Water Polo, Wasserball, Υδατοσφαίριση, כדור מים, Vízilabda, Water Polo, Pallanuoto, ウォーターポロ, Ūdenspolo, Vandensvydis, Ватерполо, Ilma Polo, Vann Polo, آب پولو, Piłka wodna, Pólo Aquático, Polo pe apă, Водное поло, Ватерполо, Vodné pólo, Vaterpolo, Waterpolo, Vattenpolo, Sutopu, Водне поло
Registered address:
Waterpoloshop Ltd (online store),
United Kingdom
Reg N0. 7985418 England and Wales
VAT N0. GB 122 7952 15
Waterpoloshop Ltd (online store),
United Kingdom
Reg N0. 7985418 England and Wales
VAT N0. GB 122 7952 15
Waterpoloshop Ltd is a family business run by the Millward-Hulme family.
The business was established after Pauline spent many years playing water polo at both national and international level.
Our aim is to provide great customer service and goods at a competitive price.
We supply water polo, swimming, diving, underwater hockey and underwater rugby related goods to both clubs and individuals worldwide.
Upon contacting Waterpoloshop.com, you will be dealt with by either Pauline or Shaun.
Waterpoloshop.com started life as a shop on ebay.
We offer top brands including:
The business was established after Pauline spent many years playing water polo at both national and international level.
Our aim is to provide great customer service and goods at a competitive price.
We supply water polo, swimming, diving, underwater hockey and underwater rugby related goods to both clubs and individuals worldwide.
Upon contacting Waterpoloshop.com, you will be dealt with by either Pauline or Shaun.
Waterpoloshop.com started life as a shop on ebay.
We offer top brands including:
We specialise in CUSTOM design swimsuits and kit for teams - clubs, in the following top brands:
We specialise in CUSTOM design swimsuits and kit for teams - clubs, in the following top brands:
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Polo kostume e ujit, الدعاوى كرة الماء, Водна топка костюми, 水球套装, Vaterpolo odijela, Vodní pólo Obleky, Vand Polo Suits, Water Polo Pakken, Veepall Suits, Water Polo nababagay sa, Vesipallon Puvut, Costumes de water-polo, Wasserball Suits, Νερό Κοστούμια Polo, מים חליפות פולו, Vízilabda Ruha, Water Polo Föt, Pallanuoto Suits, 水球スーツ, Ūdens Polo Uzvalki, Vandensvydis Kostiumai, Ватерполо апартмани, Polo Ilbiesi Ilma, Vann Polo Passer, مناسب آب پولو, Kostiumy wodna, Ternos Water Polo, Polo pe apă costume, Костюмы водному поло, Ватерполо одговара, Vodné pólo Obleky, Vaterpolo Suits, Trajes de Agua Polo, Vattenpolo Suits, Sutopu Takımları, Костюми водного поло from us :-)